Pre-Halloween festivities
These are some pictures of the fun we had leading up to halloweeen. We baked and decorated sugar cookies, carved pumpkins, and had our traditional spooky Halloween dinner....complete with pumpkin pizzas, apple eye balls, spider crackers, monster teeth (green corn), strawberry hearts, and bloody intestines (aka spaghetti, Tyler's idea!).
Posted by Julianne at 8:30 AM 0 comments
I can hardly believe that our sweet little Tyler is already six years old! We celebrated his birthday last month with a small space-themed party (he's really been into planets, rockets, and everything space related lately). Jeffrey's mom flew in from Oregon the night before his birthday which made the day extra special.
Tyler cried for his first four months of life and has been such a happy boy ever since. I was looking back at pictures of him growing up and noticed that he has a big smile on his face in just about every picture. He is such a sweet natured little guy and loves to help others. He loves to be with his friends, go to church and school, and especially loves playing with his two little brothers. Tyler is constantly asking me questions about things and enjoys reading, drawing, and building. I am amazed at the things he creates with his Lego's and Tinkertoys. It has been such a joy to watch my sweet Tyler grow each day and I feel so blessed to be his mother!
Posted by Julianne at 4:05 AM 3 comments
Still here
For those of you who have been wondering, we're still alive and well! This past month has been pretty busy and I don't get to spend much time on the computer these days. I'll be posting some pictures of the past month really soon! I'm now 25 weeks pregnant and the baby is doing well. I'm seeing a perinatologist along with my regular OB and they've put me on a modified bedrest. The hemorrhage is still quite large and will most likely be present for the remainder of the pregnancy, so the doctors say that our biggest concern now is preventing preterm labor and making sure that the placenta is continuing to give the baby the nourishment that he needs. I've been having lots of contractions, but there are much fewer when I stay off my feet. The baby is growing well and was 1 lb. 3 ozs. at my last appointment. I've been getting lots of help from friends which I am so incredibly grateful for. Just 15 more weeks to go!
Posted by Julianne at 11:30 PM 5 comments