

This little guy is always trying to sneak something out of the refrigerator when I'm not watching! I'm not sure how he got away with this one, but he sure was happy when I found him!

Craft time!

This is one of Ethan's favorite little crafts. I bought several bottles of cheap white glue and added a few drops of food coloring to each one. Then I fill a muffin tin with various little items. Ethan loves creating with his rainbow glue and is always excited to see what things I'll put in the muffin tin. This is such a nice, quiet activity....and we love quiet!


Little Slugger

Tyler started his first season of t-ball/coach pitch a few weeks ago and he absolutely loves it! He has a smile on his face most of the time and never seems to get bored. There's nothing like watching a team of 4-6 year olds playing baseball, it is so adorable and entertaining! I'm so proud of my little slugger!